I went running today for the first time in a long time this evening. It was tough. What tends to push me is my emotions. Which I kinda find funny. if I'm upset sad or basically emotional I can run 10x better. But that is not what this post is about tonight.
I was running at this park by my house. And I met this girl. Annabell. Beautiful name. She was beautiful. We got talking. I introduced myself. Don't know why. But I felt I needed to talk to her. Maybe for me I thought. First thing she said to me. "why are you running?? You are already skinny." i told her i am not in shape though. And she said "well i got some rolls on me too." and i told her i know plenty of girls that do and they are totally healthy and beautiful.
She opened up quick and explained some drama she was dealing with recently. Drugs (her friends on them not her.) mean friends, bullying, ect. I asked her age. 13. THIRTEEN! I am astonished. At 13 she is dealing with all this. Being told she's fat, not beautiful, and worthless. It is so sad. It's a shame girls (& boys) have to grow up so fast and learn how to deal with this. I talked with her a while. Told her things get better and obviously those " friends" don't deserve her. She told me I was the most mature 18 year old she knew. Again. Astonished.
I only wish that people in this crazy crazy world begin to realize what is going on. And change it.
Girls, you are beautiful.
Boys, you are strong.
I saw this image on FB and I am really starting to appreciate it.
Please enjoy.
5 years ago